Most companies are focused on the continuous improvement of their operational processes, leaving aside the Human Resources processes, which has a significant impact on indirect costs such as productivity, work environment and staff turnover.

We cannot forget that
people are the driving force for
the achievement of organizational objectives!

If we reflect on the decision-making process in our organization:

What are we doing today as a company to design, implement and preserve structures that allow us to achieve results not only through the products and services we sell, but also through the PEOPLE?

How often do we leave the responsibility for attraction, development, feedback and even termination to the Human Resources department?

How much is it costing you to neglect HR processes in your organization?

How often do the communication channels between the HR department and Heads of Directors fail?

It is said that only

0 %

of an organization's employees

are high performers. Have you ever thought about how much this costs your company?

At Omkara, we make sure to create Human Resources Processes that give results to your organization in the long term, positioning the Human Resources area as the most important strategic ally for the achievement of objectives.

Process Documentation


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